西方三聖像捲軸 (彩雲佛) 結緣公告
Three Sages Image Scroll (with Cloud Background) Available for Distribution

本館有絹製西方三聖像捲軸 (彩雲佛),可與世界各地同修結緣,尺寸如下:

尺寸 (見圖)
Dimension (See Picture)
Single Scroll
40 公分寬 x 133公分長
40cm W x 133cm L
(One Set - 3 Scrolls)
120 公分寬 x 133公分長
120cm W x 133cm L
(Carrying Case)
43公分 x 16公分x 7公分
43 cm x 16 cm x 7 cm

聖像是由北京的同修捐贈,運至本館之費用 (包括運費、及報關費用等等) 分攤如下:有外盒包裝的每套美金30元,無外盒包裝的每套美金25元。

歡迎世界各地學佛同修及寺院、道場以傳真 (630-428-9961) 或 電郵直接向本館申請。 本館會按照寄件地址、計算運費,並且會在收回相關的費用之後,立即寄出。

The center has satin-based Three Sages' Image triple scrolls (with cloud background) for distribution to those who are interested; The dimensions are listed above. The center asks that the requestors share the costs, which includes the cost of the scrolls, freight, and custom charges. It is USD $25 per set without the carrying case, and $30 per set with the carrying case.

Interested Dharma friends, temples, and cultivation centers can contact the library via fax (630)-428-9961 or e-mail to request for one. The center will provide estimated shipping cost and the total. When the reimbursement of the total cost is received, the center will ship the item(s).