Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Statues for Distribution


地藏菩薩,悲願宏深。為倡導孝親尊師之根本法輪,也為祈求世界各地災難減緩、為受難眾生祈福,近兩年來,本館協同能淨學會, 與台灣蓮友、美國越南同修、及十方善信共同發心,敬鑄地藏菩薩聖像與十方同修結緣。根據能淨學會統計,至今已送出千餘尊菩薩聖像至世界各地。

此一地藏菩薩聖像為坐姿,聖像連同底座,高約9.25英吋,加上手持錫杖,高度共約11.5 英吋;底座為八角形,面積約為5.5英吋見方。聖像法相莊嚴慈悲,謹附照片於此,以供參考。

每尊地藏菩薩聖像之製作成本為美金 28.00元,寄至本館之運費平均約美金 12.00元, 因此,每尊之實際成本約為美金40.00元。歡迎世界各地學佛同修及寺院、道場以傳真  (630-428-9961)電郵直接向本館書目組申請。

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva has the most compassionate vow. To promote this fundamental Dharma wheel for filial piety and for respecting teachers and elders, to pray for a reduction of disasters in the world, and to pray for good fortune for the victims and survivors, the library, together with Neng Chin Society, the Dharma friends in Taiwan, the Vietnamese American Dharma friends, and many friends from other places dedicated much effort to make Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statues for distribution. According to the record from Neng Chin Society, more than one thousand statues have been distributed globally.

The statue has an octagon base with a dimension of 5.5" x 5.5" and a height of 11.5" tall with the monk's crosier or 9.25" without. The statue looks respectfully beautiful and compassionate. We respectfully include its picture for reference.

The cost of making each statue is US $28.00, and shipping averages about US $12.00; the total cost is about US $40.00 each. Interested Dharma friends, temples, and cultivation centers can contact the library via fax (630)-428-9961 or e-mail, with attention to Cataloging.